Monday, April 9, 2012

Turning 40...

Well I'm wondering if I need to change the title of this blog to "Tales of a Girl Who TURNED 40", since last Sunday, April 1, was my birthday.  While I think I'll keep the title the same for now, I would like to share some of my observations about the big event:

1.  It wasn't a big event.  No huge party, no fireworks, no massive gift, and no April Fool's day jokes.  But it did include a lovely evening with my good friends filled with good food, good wine, and great company.  I have always said that one of my greatest blessings is my friends.  I'm so thankful I got to spend my birthday with them.

2.  I wasn't depressed!  I can't tell you how many people called me that day and asked (some jokingly, some not) "How are you handling everything?"  I'm sure turning 40 is hard for some folks - and one day not so long ago I thought it would be hard for me.  Not even close.  By the time April 1 rolled around I was excited to turn 40! My 30's were an exhausting roller coaster of emotions, and I spend the bulk of the decade second guessing my every move.  Recently I've come into my own a little bit and operate with a little more confidence.  I'm not as panicked about my children (a shocker, let me tell you) and I feel as if I'm finally getting my footing.  If anything, 40 is freeing!

3.  I don't feel old! I don't quite have the spring in my step that I had in my 20's, but my step does still have plenty of spring.  In fact, I spent the last week of my 30's racking up 36 miles worth of running.  This marathon has certainly cushioned the blow of age.  I have never felt more powerful, more strong, and more capable.  I may be more wrinkled and more gray, but dang it - I can also run 20 miles. 

4.  I am SO excited for the next 40 years! I"m loving this stage of life - the kids are still youngish and I still feel like a world of opportunity is at my fingertips.  But I've also gotten some life experience under my belt (good and bad).  I think I'll navigate the next 40 years a little better than I did the first 40!

So Happy Birthday to me - and a HUGE thank you to everyone who celebrated it with me. 

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