Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Any Regrets???

One of the most life altering decisions I ever made (other than starting a family) was whether or not to leave my teaching job when I had my first child.  I was only 28 years old and still felt like I had all the time in the world to go back to my career "someday" when all my kids were in school.  Fast forward 11 years and now I have both kids in school all day and a crisis of confidence on my hands. 

You see, I LOVED teaching.  I had an absolute passion for my subject area (still do!) and I loved the high school atmosphere.  I was lucky enough to land my first job at a wonderful school (Hooray Riverside Brookfield Bulldogs!) with a wonderful department.  I loved everyone I worked with, had a wonderful department chair, and truly loved going to work every day.  To be honest, I think I was GREAT at my job.  I tried hard to be engaging, tried to push kids a little, and spent every waking moment I had at school events.  I was there early in the morning and left late at night, going to all the games and most of the after school activities.  Truth was - I had so much time to devote back then and was able to be great at my job because of it. 

I always thought I would go back some day but now I wonder if I could cut it.  Would I be as great of a teacher if I left right at the bell to rush home to my family? Could I balance all the demands of my home life and my work life? Would one get shortchanged?  I know SO many working mothers who handle both worlds very well - I'm just not sure I would be one of them since I know I don't thrive under stress.  What about my son? He thrives on order and a calm home environment.  If I went back to teaching would I still be able to give him the stability he needs when he walks in the door every afternoon?  What about technology?  When I left teaching 11 years ago the internet was just being used as a research tool and I didn't know very many kids with a cell phone.  I can't work a smart board and still have yet to master Power Point.  Would anyone even hire me?  Am I all washed up at nearly 40 years old?

But, darn it, I MISS teaching.  Truth is, I often wonder if my last 11 years as a mother might make me an even better teacher.  I have a greater understanding of kids and their social and emotional development.  Having a child with autism has given me a much greater understanding of different learning styles and behavioral quirks.  I think I would be 10 times more patient and tolerant in the classroom than I ever was before. And I truly love history and feel so strongly about the importance of the subject matter.  My poor daughter had a small unit in her 5th grade social studies class about exploration.  I think I spent every night at dinner for one week trying to get her to discuss the long range implications of exploration.  We had a lively talk about the spread of disease, but I think I lost her when I started droning on and on about the balance of power in Europe and the (short lived) supremacy of Spain and the "White Man's Burden" a few centuries later.  Made me think I need an audience that isn't captive - or 11 years old.

So there's my dilemma.  Would I regret going back to teaching?  Would it turn my carefully balanced home life upside down?  Would it be too much for my son to handle? Would I miss the freedom to volunteer at the schools and run my errands and all the other perks of staying at home?  Or would I regret NOT going back to teaching?  Am I ready to leave that career in my past for good? Am I ready to truly let go of something that once gave me so much joy?  I don't like the thought that I will probably have regrets either way.  And I think I'm running out of time to make my decision...I'll keep you posted...

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