Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I am a knitter.  Not a very good one, mind you, but a knitter none the less.  I learned how to knit from my friend Wendy when Jayson was about a year old.  I had gone to Wendy's house to drop off some baby items that I didn't need anymore and found her sitting on her couch knitting the most adorable sheep blanket I had ever seen.  I was in awe - absolute awe.  I didn't know Wendy very well but asked her if she would teach me how to knit - and that's how "Knitting Wednesdays" began.  It started with just the 2 of us and over the weeks and months I got to know her better and found myself with a new and wonderful friend.  A bit later, a third girl joined us, also in awe of how wonderful knitting seemed to be.  The 3 of us met every week and knitted and talked (okay, and ate) and formed a bond.

That was nearly 6 yeas ago (!).  In those 6 years many more knitters (some new, some pros) joined the group, while others dropped out for various reasons. 2 women saw me knitting while we waited to pick our sons up from speech therapy.  I didn't know these women and they didn't know me, but they were knitters themselves and that brought us together.  These 2 complete strangers showed up at my house the next wednesday and another friendship was born.  One of them, Suzanne, recently moved to Boston and I miss her terribly.  She is the knitting Yoda and never failed to make me smile.  The other girl, Julie, is a constant source of inspiration to me in all things knitting and non knitting.  There is nothing she can't do.  There are 2 knitters named Heather from my church that knit with me.  Heather #1 doesn't do much knitting (she calls herself the "shnitter"), but she is a delight to have around and a constant source of smiles.  Heather #2 is someone I have loved getting to know better, and is one of the most dedicated members of the wednesday group.  And there are the drop ins - those who never knit, but stop by to say hello, bring a snack, or just hang out. I am grateful for every one of them!

I have grown to love my Wednesday nights. All of us make up a very diverse group and every person who walks through the door each week has a special place in my life.  What started as a simple hobby to pass away the time has become a life line to some very important friendships.  We all have busy lives, jobs, housework, problems with our kids, problems with life - you name it.  But we try hard to take time every week to sit and knit and relax.  There is a common step in a knitting pattern labeled K2TOG, meaning "knit 2 stitches together on your needles".  That is what knitting does to yarn, and to people.  It brings you together.  Happy Knitting Wednesday everyone!!

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